
A platform for marathon athletes
to review their races.
Design MVP pages for the site.
Jennifer Lau, UX/UI Designer
Philosophie Creative Team
July 2013–August 2013

A place for marathon athletes to find their next race.

Racevine is a race reviewing platform aimed towards athletes to find their next and/or review a race. 

As a UX/UI intern at Philosophie, LLC in Santa Monica, CA, I led this project to deliver the needed designs and flow for the following pages: home, review, profile, and event pages. Excited I led this project guided by Skot, the co-owner of Philosophie, I learned many valuable lessons such as:

  • Understanding what is required. For this particular project, I had to make sure everything was clear before designing the pages for Racevine.
  • Being efficient with the scope. I’ve learned that whether your audience is mentors or students, they deserve a great experience. I dedicate my time to understand who these people are to build an excellent product for MentorMe.art.
  • Communication is Key. Though I may have this repeated, however, this is critical when delivering the right deliverables for the client.


Jennifer Lau, UX/UI Designer

uncovering the goal

One of the primary goals that Greg, the owner of Racevine, had was that Racevine was going to be a place for athletes to find his or her race. We broke it down to three specific goals for the site.

Made sure the site was for athletes to learn more about a race they were going to participate in.

Build a site where it involved a
growing community.

Made sure the site was made for athletes to review a race they participated in.

Understanding the wireframing flow

Although wireframes were already done prior to designing the visuals for the pages, I made sure to understand the flow of the pages and how it functioned.

Athlete researches a marathon review

racevice flow1

Athlete creates his or her own profile

racevice flow2

creating the high-fidelity design

I worked closely with Greg and his team to make sure the flow of the pages was the way he wanted. Once I understood the flow, I was able to get started with designing the needed pages. The goal for these pages was to create a captivating and inviting visual user experience.

For most of the pages, I played with the elements and sections of the pages.

Various versions of the pages.

Racevine MockupCollage

High-fidelity design

Racevine Front




Racevine LongScroll 01
Racevine LongScroll 02
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